Online Consultation with our Honorary Medical Director

We will guide you step-by-step


Respected and dear health enthusiast 

Welcome your idea of consulting our Honourary Medical Director –

Dr SP Sreejit, MD [AYU]. We respect the faith, time & money that you may invest in the services of Athreya Ayurvedic Centre.

At both of your mutually suitable times, medical consultation will happen.

The first step is filling out a medical form

How to do it?  It’s a very simple process 

A link will be sent to your email with our Medical Form (online) after the successful completion of the consultation fees, a word document will be also present if you wish to do it offline

It would be great if you could alert us🙏 when you submit the medical form (an email / text / WhatsApp message). Doing this will make the process a lot easier.

Consultation is a 3 parts process

which involves 20 to 30 minutes  maximum in totality

We respect the faith, time & money that you may invest in the services of Athreya Ayurvedic Centre. 

Hence the medical consultation involves Dr Sreejit SP — making the three parts process as follows 

The doctor performing the following

* Directly reviewing / studying your medical form.

* Editing the medical form sent by you.

* Earmarking the most prominent portions

* Sending his audio clips of those prominent points will make you feel confident that it is handled by the doctor himself and not by any assistant.

* Explaining by audio – the cure prospects  –  possibilities and limitations of AYURVEDA @ 

* Is a two-way live audio call and will appear as a Q ( from you )  & A  ( from the doctor )

* Before that please prepare your list of questions to be clarified by the doctor.

* Conveying to you the road map of good health recovery based on your questions.

* What therapies are involved, and how healing is achieved?

Part 3 usually involves 10 to 15 minutes 

as Part 1 & 2 involves 20 to 25 minutes usually


If you are still interested

As a next step, we request your good self to make the consulting fees of

INR 2500  |   USD: 29.90  |  CAD :41.22  |   EURO: 27.47  | POUND: 23.16

Click here 👇 to pay !


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Any personal data that is collected on our website, always takes place on a voluntary basis. These data will not be disclosed to third parties without your express consent.